We love them as is. Even those who hate beans or veggies love these! Super quick, too. My aunt made these once for Christmas dinner, and they were a huge...
My family loves vegetables, and I am always looking for new ways to spice them up. This recipe is one of our favorites for green beans. I use blue cheese,...
Tired of green bean casserole? Try this fresh green bean dish that is worthy of the holidays! When I make this at Thanksgiving I double or triple it depending...
This is a really delicious green been recipe. It started as an alternative to the usual green bean casserole at Thanksgiving, and now we cook it for any...
Green Beans With Mustard Cream Sauce and Toasted Almonds is my answer to classic green bean casserole. The vegetables and sauce can be made in the morning....
This is an easy way to serve great vegetables with your meal. Green beans are stir fried in vegetable oil and soy sauce, then sprinkled with toasted sesame...
This is an easy-to-make green bean side dish that tastes absolutely wonderful with anything. It is even good over some steamed white rice with a little...
This is a side dish of fresh green beans tossed with orange-infused olive oil. It's my favorite way to make green beans. I normally serve it with Italian...
A refreshing stir fry. Preparation time: 15 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and recipes by Robyn Webb, courtesy of the American Diabetes...
"When you're serving rich, heavy food, these zingy, lemony beans really balance the meal. I like them just cooked so they still taste fresh and are a little...
My sister-in-law gave me this great, simple recipe. Green beans are sauteed in bacon fat, then tossed with toasted nuts and crumbled blue cheese. Very...
You would not believe that this dish is actually Vietnamese! Even my meat and potatoes husband loves it! My recommendation is to have plenty of white rice...
I learned how to make this while visiting my husband's family in Syria. It can be a healthy, fast, easy vegetarian/vegan main dish for lunch or dinner...
These garlic-seasoned green beans are sauteed until crisp-tender, then topped with cheese and bacon for a delicious keto side dish. Use your favorite seasoning...
Sweet bacon vinaigrette lovingly caressing green beans. Discovered this combination during Thanksgiving dinner when a bottle of bacon vinaigrette was dropped...
In Japan this is known as "shira-ae" and is made with ground roasted white sesame seeds. I have subbed tahini for that! Super delicious, amazing umami,...
HOT and spicy green beans! Yummy for people that like heat on the side. I think you could add a meat like shrimp or chicken to this to make it a main dish...